A Comparative Analysis of Theme and Thematic Progression in Descriptive Texts


  • Ayu Lestari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Enggar Pangesti Wibowo Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Merry Adrian Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia




This study aims to analyze the theme and thematic progression and compare both student’s and standardized descriptive texts. Additionally, the research would delve into the pedagogical implication in teaching a descriptive text. A text from a student of a senior high school in Semarang, Indonesia and a TOEFL Practice text were collected in the document analysis. Thematic analysis was done by applying SFL principles. The result showed that both texts employed textual and topical theme system mostly with model’s text using an interpersonal theme once. the student’s descriptive text had few missing themes which also indicated that it had grammatical mistakes that need to be given attention when teaching language to learners. Both texts served the thematic progression of zig-zag and reiteration as descriptive text aims to describe and identify an object. Although, the student had chosen few multiple patterns and seldom had no pattern in the text. Furthermore, the integration of thematic system studies and thematic development towards a descriptive text through modeling and construction activities can contribute greatly to providing substantial learning benefits to promote language proficiency and efficient communication skills.

Keywords - Theme progression; SFL; Descriptive text; ELT.

Author Biographies

  • Ayu Lestari, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
    Department of English Education, Faculty of Language and Arts Education
  • Enggar Pangesti Wibowo, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
    Department of English Education, Faculty of Language and Arts Education
  • Merry Adrian, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
    Department of English Education, Faculty of Language and Arts Education


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