The Implementation of Canva Through Poster Creation on Fourth Graders
This community service program introduced Canva, a graphic design platform, to elementary school students as part of the University of Al-Azhar Indonesia’s Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental, under the theme of “Digital Literacy and Ethicsâ€. The program was carried out at Al-Fityan School Tangerang on August 21, 2023. Students, in 4th grade, were trained to create a poster using Canva. They were asked to choose one of their five favorite things: mom, dad, hobby, food, or animal. The results showed that the popular choice was between “hobby†and “animal†while the least popular was “dadâ€. All 28 students produced their own posters and even six of them produced two posters. In this regard, the training of Canva seemed to be effective. There should be a continuation of training using the similar theme to Al-Fityan students for the future program given students’ progress and enthusiasm.
Keywords – Canva, Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental, Poster Creation, Fourth Graders, Digital Literacy
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