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Author Guidelines

General Article Guidelines

The article must include the following scientific article components (subheadings in the following order):

  1. Article Title
  2. Full Author Names (without academic titles),
  3. Author Affiliation Address,
  4. Abstract and Keywords,
  5. Introduction,
  6. Methods,
  7. Results and Discussion,
  8. Conclusion,
  9. Acknowledgments,
  10. References.

The article can be written in Indonesian or English, with a maximum of 15 pages. The article must be formatted according to the template, using Times New Roman, font size 11 pt, on A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with Moderate margins (top/bottom margin 2.54 cm; left/right margin 1.91 cm). The manuscript should be in a two-column layout with a 1.02 cm space between columns, except for the abstract section.

Subheadings in the article body (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion) should be written in Times New Roman, font size 11 pt, capitalized, bold, and centered. Subheadings within a section should be bold (11 pt), aligned to the left, without bullets or numbering. The space between paragraphs is single-spaced (11 pt). Each paragraph should consist of 3-7 sentences. All explanations should be presented in paragraph form, without the use of bullets or numbering.

Tables and Figures should be placed within the text after being referenced. Each figure must have a Figure Caption below it, numbered with Arabic numerals followed by the figure title. The figure title should be written in Times New Roman size 10 pt, centered, and placed below the figure without extra spacing. Each table must have a Table Caption above it, numbered with Arabic numerals, followed by the table title. The table title should be written in Times New Roman size 10 pt, centered. Figures must be clear in print (ensure font size, resolution, and line thickness are appropriate). Vertical lines are not allowed in tables, while horizontal lines are allowed only where necessary.

Equations should be centered within the column and numbered consecutively in parentheses at the right margin. If the equation spans more than one line, the number should be placed on the last line.



Article Title

The article title should be a maximum of 3 lines (20 pt). The author's name (without academic titles) and affiliation address should be centered on the first page below the article title (12 pt). Avoid using words like "study," "influence," "relationship," and "analysis" in the title. Latin names and other foreign terms should be written in italics. The line spacing between the title and author’s name is single-spaced (11 pt), while the spacing between the author's affiliation and correspondence email is single-spaced (11 pt). If there are multiple authors, numbers should be assigned according to their affiliations. Authors with the same affiliation are given the same number. The numbering should be written using superscript.


For manuscripts written in Indonesian, the abstract must be provided in both English and Indonesian, with the English abstract appearing first, followed by the Indonesian abstract. For manuscripts written in English, there is no need to provide an abstract in Indonesian. The abstract must be informative, outlining the problem background, objectives, methods, and main results. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, font size 11 pt, bold, and justified, with a maximum of 200 words. Keywords should be written in English below the abstract to describe the content of the manuscript, consisting of 3-5 keywords. Keywords should be written in Times New Roman, 11 pt, italic, except for the word "Keywords," which should be bold.

Main Content


The introduction should be between 400-600 words and include the background, the problem's urgency, and the research objectives. Avoid detailed literature surveys or result summaries. The research objectives should be in the last paragraph.


This section consists of subsections for the design, location, and time; number and selection method of subjects (survey) or materials and tools (laboratory); data collection methods (survey) or research stages (laboratory); and data processing and analysis.

Results and Discussion

The results and discussion are written in the same section. The results should present the characteristics of the subjects/samples and the main findings of the research, while the discussion should connect and compare the results with theories/concepts/findings from other studies, using primary references. The discussion should be meaningful and not merely describe tables and figures. It should also highlight the implications of the research findings.


The conclusion should answer the research objectives and should not be a summary of the results. Recommendations are optional and should be placed in the conclusion section, separated by a paragraph. Recommendations can include implications for programs or suggestions for future research based on the findings or the author's conclusions.


Acknowledgments should express gratitude to funders or sponsors and contributors of research materials and facilities. Names should be written without academic titles.


References should only include works cited in the article. References must come from primary sources (scientific journals), with at least 80% of references being primary sources published within the last 10 years. The number of references used should be between 10-20 citations. References should be written using a reference manager and follow the IEEE 2006 citation style.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Papers to be published have not been published previously or are in the process of being submitted for publication elsewhere.

  • The paper file is in Ms. Word document format.
  • The size of the document file sent must not exceed 2 Mb

  • Articles will be checked for similarity (Similarity Check) using Turnitin with a minimum score of 30%.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.