Kajian Morfologi Ikan Timpakul (Famili Gobiidae) dari Dua Tipe Ekosistem Mangrove yang Berbeda


  • Anang Kadarsah Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Krisdianto Krisdianto Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Ika Oksi Susilawati Universitas Lambung Mangkurat




Abstrak  - Kajian ekologi hewan eksotik seperti ikan Timpakul pada ekosistem mangrove penting digali selain memperkaya pengetahuan juga menjadi landasan pengelolaan biodiversitas secara keseluruhan. Tujuan penelitian ini membandingkan kelimpahan dan morfologi ikan Timpakul (Famili: Gobiidae) pada dua tipe ekosistem mangrove di Muara Kuala Tambangan dan Pantai Pagatan Besar, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. Survei data dan penangkapan ikan menggunakan jaring 1 meter x 10 meter dengan 10 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan tiga jenis ikan Timpakul yakni: Boleophthalmus pectinirostris, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, dan Boleophthalmus boddarti. Vegetasi Rhizophora sp.  dan Bruguierasp. dominan pada Muara Kuala Tambangan (65,8% dan 34,2%), sedangkan di Pantai Pagatan Besar didominasi Bruguiera Sp. (50,8%)dan Avicennia sp. (49,2%). Persentase kehadiran Boleopthalmus pectinirostris tertinggi di Pantai Pagatan Besar (64%), sedangkan di Muara Kuala Tambangan lebih dominan Boleophthalmus boddarti (71,11%). Berdasarkan lima karakter utama morfologi terpilih (SL=panjang standar, HL=panjang kepala, FDFB=Panjang dasar sirip dorsal pertama, SDFB=Panjang dasar sirip dorsal kedua, dan VFL=Panjang Sirip Ventral : satuan mm), rerata tertinggi dijumpai pada Periophthalmodon schlosseri (SL=167,50:HL=46,67:FDFB=22,17: SDFB=35,33 dan VFL=24,17), disusul Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (SL=131,89:HL=31,22: FDFB=21,67:SDFB=49,67 dan VFL=17,11) kemudian yang terakhir Boleophthalmus boddarti (SL=130,55:HL=30,64:FDFB=18,27:SDFB=52,73 dan VFL=16,73). Persentase rerata kandungan substrat (pasir:debu:liat) di Muara Kuala Tambangan 17,26%:77,52%:5,21% sedangkan di Pantai Pagatan Besar perbandingannya adalah 3,52%: 85,46%:11,03%.

Abstract - Ecological studies of exotic animals such as Timpakul fish (Family of Gobiidae) in mangrove ecosystems is important to enriching the knowledge and for the overall of biodiversity management. The purpose of this study was to compare the abundance and morphology of Timpakul fish in two types of mangrove ecosystems. especially in the Village of Kuala Tambangan and Pagatan Besar, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. Survey data and fishing was used by 1 meter x 10 meters of nets with 10 replications. Its found about three types of Timpakul fish, ie: Boleophthalmus pectinirostris, Periophthalmodon schlosseri, and Boleophthalmus boddarti. Rhizophora sp. and Bruguiera Sp. types vegetation were dominantly in Kuala Tambangan estuary (65.8% and 34.2%), while in Pagatan Besar beach it is dominated by Bruguiera Sp. (50.8%) and Avicennia sp. (49.2%). The highest percentage attendance in Pagatan Besar Beach is found for Boleopthalmus pectinirostris (64%), while in Kuala Tambangan Estuary was dominantly by Boleophthalmus boddarti (71.11%). Based on the five main morphological characters (SL=standard length, HL=head length, FDFB=first dorsal fin base, SDFB=second dorsal fin base length, and VFL=Ventral fin length: in mm of unit), so the highest average was found in Periophthalmodon schlosseri (SL=167.50:HL=46.67:FDFB=22.17:SDFB=35.33 and VFL = 24.17). It is followed by Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (SL = 131.89: HL = 31.22: FDFB = 21.67: SDFB = 49.67 and VFL = 17.11). Then the lowest is Boleophthalmus boddarti (SL = 130.55: HL = 30.64: FDFB = 18.27: SDFB = 52.73 and VFL = 16, 73). Substrate content (sand: dust: clay) percentage average in Kuala Tambangan estuary is 17.26%:77.52%:5.21% while in Pagatan Beach the ratio is 3.52%: 85.46%: 11.03%.

Keywords - Abundance, Mangrove, Morphology, Mudskipper


Author Biographies

  • Anang Kadarsah, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
    Program Studi Biologi FMIPA
  • Krisdianto Krisdianto, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
    Program Studi Biologi FMIPA
  • Ika Oksi Susilawati, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
    Program Studi Biologi FMIPA


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