Sistem Otomatisasi Pemberian Pakan secara Terjadwal untuk Pembibitan Ikan Lele di Fardu Farm Pekanbaru menggunakan PLC dan IoT
With the increasing global population growth, the demand for fishery products, including catfish, continues to rise. Catfish seed production plays a crucial role in the fisheries production chain, as this stage ensures the availability of high-quality fish seeds. However, fish farmers still face challenges in increasing aquaculture production, especially regarding inefficient manual feeding practices. This research aims to develop an automated catfish feeding system on a schedule at Fardu Farm using a combination of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. In this study, the researchers design and implement an automation system that enables scheduled feeding in catfish seedlings. The use of Outseal PLC connected to IoT allows for precise and efficient feeding control. This research conducts testing to verify the system's performance, including measuring the weight of the feed dispensed and testing feeding over specific time periods. The results of the study indicate that this automation system successfully provides timely feeding according to the established schedule. Additionally, manual control using the Blynk platform also yields good responsiveness. Thus, the developed system can enhance efficiency in feeding catfish seedlings at Fardu Farm.
Keywords - Automation, Feeding, Catfish Breeding, PLC, IoT.
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