Pandangan Publik Terhadap Klaim Manfaat dan Keamanan Minuman Mengandung Kolagen dan L-glutathione Berdasarkan Iklan Produk


  • Rr. Garnetta Mustikaningrum Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Jakarta
  • Ajeng Ilastria Rosalina Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan jakarta



Currently, many food products are containing Collagen and L-Glutathione. Based on recent studies, oral collagen supplementation has many advantages as a skin whitening agent, moisturizing agent, skin elasticity enhancer. Collagen supplementation has proven safe for short-term use in adult healthy subjects; however, there is no safety data on other group subjects such as pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children. Meanwhile, there are so many food products containing collagen and L-Glutathione that claim their products give many advantages without any clinical study. The producer massively advertises their products to sell them without any complete information about side effects and warnings. The purpose of this study is to examine respondent’s purchase intention and awareness of this product's safety. The result shows that the respondent is likely interested in the claim they see in the advertisement. However, it has the potential unsafe use for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children, and long-term use. So this paper recommends BPOM to alter any regulation of food containing collagen especially on labeling and advertising and consider the product to become a food supplement instead.

Keyword – Breastfeeding, Collagen, Whitening


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